Keeping a routine

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Take care

  • 2-3 days after your treatment we recommend starting to exfoliate your skin to avoid ingrown hairs.

  • It varies person to person how much exfoliation your skin needs, and also what you are exfoliating with. There are many options for exfoliation… from exfoliating mitts or scrubs, to leave on treatments containing active acids. We will talk about your skin and decide on the best method for your specific needs.

  • Keep your skin hydrated by using natural products with no additives, artificial fragrance or preservatives such as Shea Butter or Jojoba Oil

Routine is everything

  • Our goal is to get your hair on the same growth cycle and to remove it during the Anagen stage of growth. In this growth stage your hair is still attached to the follicle and we are damaging the root resulting in your hair becoming finer, softer, and more sparse. This is typically when the hair is 1/4” long.

  • Optimal time frames are as follows (but can vary person to person)

    • Bikini- 3-6 weeks

    • Underarms, Brows, Face(lip, chin, sides of face)- 2-4 weeks

    • Legs, Arms- 4-6 weeks